Hi there... I'm Jennifer (or Jen), and I like clouds... a lot.

And sometimes, when I feel compelled to do so and have a picture taking device handy, I take pictures of clouds. Sometimes while I’m looking out of my bedroom window or standing on my balcony. Or when I'm on the top floor of the building I work in. Or the top floor of a building someone else works in. Sometimes while I’m walking or driving. Or while someone else is driving. When I'm in a parking lot or in the middle of a crosswalk. Or in a shopping center, or a neighborhood, or a front yard, or an alley. I take pictures of clouds whenever clouds are visible and begging me to take pictures of them. Often, though, things get in the way of clouds. And so, by default, I also take pictures of trees, buildings, power lines, street lights, cars, birds, sometimes planes, and the occasional human or two. 

This blog will be dedicated to the aforementioned clouds and the pictures I have taken of them. Once in a while, though, clouds might not have a starring role in a picture that I post. And that's ok. But don't worry, it won't happen often. I might also decide to post a quote or a song. Because I like those, too (a lot). But, overall, this is a place where I will pay tribute to clouds... and sometimes songs... and quotes... but mostly clouds. I promise.

Disclaimer: Never once have I ever taken a picture of clouds and thought the picture came even close to what I saw with my eyes. It has never happened. Not even once. Maybe it’s because clouds aren't too photogenic; I can relate. Or maybe it’s the quality of the camera, or the quality of the camera user. Both are likely culprits. The point is, none of the pictures you will see on this site, while hopefully still beautiful and nice to look at, are nearly as breathtaking as many of these images were in person. And for that, I apologize. But I hope that doesn’t deter you from sticking around. I think you’ll still enjoy yourself.